Saturday, March 2, 2013

Project 52: Week Nine

Two new things this week...and NO pictures.  Our camera is a little out of order right now.

#1: I ate a meatball sandwich for the first time in my life.

When I think of meatballs, I think of spaghetti.  (and Ikea, but those are different sorts of meatballs)

When I think of spaghetti, I think of how I'd much rather eat something else.

When I think of putting spaghetti sauce covered meatballs on a sandwich, I feel sad that delicious bread will be ruined by those meatballs...

The Cub Scout Blue and Gold banquet was this week, and Thad's a leader, so we all went to support his boys.  They served meatball sandwiches thanks to the boys choosing the menu.

I ate one.

I loved it! I wished I could have eaten THREE, that's how much I loved the cheesy, meatball, saucy, dripping sandwich.  Lesson learned...I better give things a chance.  Even if I've had a life long aversion to the mere thought of them.

#2: Thad and I had a triathlon date.

No, not a REAL triathlon, of course.  I'm still trying to work out more than once a week, here!

We picked three things that we enjoy doing, and made them into competitions, and decided on scoring to see who won.  It wasn't me.

We both love sports, so we played basketball...with a laundry basket and tennis balls. We timed how long it took to get all of the balls in the basket, and it was a blast.

We both enjoy watching mystery shows (not that we do it much) and making predictions about what will happen.  We watched an FBI show, made predictions about the plot and the criminals before and during the show, and then got points according to which predictions were right and wrong.

We also both LOVE craigslist shopping, so we had 20 minutes to find the other person 5 birthday presents. One penalty point was given for every dollar spent, and more penalty points were given if your birthday present received a low rating from the recipient (yes, we were fair!).

The triathlon was a success, even though I lost, and we're thinking of making it a monthly date with new competitions every time!

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